Emerging Manufacturing Collaboration Center (EMC2)

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On Oct. 28, the state of Indiana announced the upcoming launch of a new smart manufacturing hub to support the long-term growth of the state’s manufacturing industry. The new facility, the Emerging Manufacturing Collaborative Center (EMC2), will be home to GE Additive’s state-of-the-art Binder Jet technology, allowing innovators, startups and manufacturers to advance research and development and 21st century skills training in smart manufacturing. The new facility will be located at the 16 Tech Innovation District and is expected to open by summer of 2021.

EMC2 is part of the Indiana Economic Development Corporation's $10 million EASE initiative designed to stimulate manufacturing investments that will position Hoosier operations, and the sector overall, for future growth and prosperity. The $3 million in funding for this facility was approved through the state’s 21st Century Research & Technology Fund (21 Fund), which makes direct investments into Indiana startups and supports public-private partnerships to advance technology development and commercialization.